Soil Temperature

Effects of subsistence farming system on soil surface CO 2–C flux on Cofre de Perote volcano slopes, Veracruz (Mexico

Forest Ecology And Management / Treatment / Land Use Change / Biological Sciences / Environmental Sciences / Forest / Soil moisture / Forest Conservation / Land Use / Crop Residue Burning / Soil Fertility / Soil Temperature / Zea mays / Subsistence farming / Moisture Content / Organic carbon / FARMING SYSTEM / Crop Yield / Forest / Soil moisture / Forest Conservation / Land Use / Crop Residue Burning / Soil Fertility / Soil Temperature / Zea mays / Subsistence farming / Moisture Content / Organic carbon / FARMING SYSTEM / Crop Yield

Carbon dioxide fluxes across the Sierra de Guadarrama, Spain

Soil Respiration / Altitudinal gradient / Standard Model / Nitrogen / Soil Carbon / Seasonal variation / Soil Temperature / Forestry Sciences / Oak forest / Carbon Budget / Water Content / Dynamic System / Carbon Dioxide Flux / Seasonal variation / Soil Temperature / Forestry Sciences / Oak forest / Carbon Budget / Water Content / Dynamic System / Carbon Dioxide Flux

Efeitos de fatores ambientais sobre a mirmecofauna em comunidade de restinga no Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Zoology / Brazil / Seasonality / Ants / Animals / Rio de Janeiro / Soil Temperature / Ecosystem / Neotropical / Pitfall Traps / Environment / Rio de Janeiro / Soil Temperature / Ecosystem / Neotropical / Pitfall Traps / Environment


Atmospheric Pressure / Graph Representation / Seasonal variation / Relative Humidity / Soil Temperature / Solar radiation / Global solar radiation / Graphical Representation / Solar radiation / Global solar radiation / Graphical Representation

Permo-Pennsylvanian palaeotemperatures from Fe-Oxide and phyllosilicate d 18O values

Earth Sciences / Climate Change / Physical sciences / Oxygen Isotope / Soil Temperature / Low Temperature

Solarização do solo e incorporação de fontes de matéria orgânica no controle de Pythium spp

Cucumber / Sewage sludge / Field Experiment / Soil Temperature / Microbial Activity / Organic Matter / Electric Conductivity / CO 2 Emission / Fresh Weight / Cucumis Sativus / Organic Matter / Electric Conductivity / CO 2 Emission / Fresh Weight / Cucumis Sativus
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